Part Number: HHDM-HD2
/Vendor ID Number: 1150971
Hand Held Demagnetizer 110V
by Magnetic Products Inc.
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HHDM-HD2 Hand Held Demagnetizer 110V
MPI Handheld Demagnetizer reaches where table or tunnel demagnetizers cannot reach. Handheld demagnetizers are ideal for mobile demagnetization of large or complex components, such as molds, bearings, and various machine and mechanical parts, etc. Features: Compact dimensions and mobility, High demagnetization power, Lightweight plastic structure with a large handle, Push button operation, Overheating protection, 110 VAC 10 ft power supply cable with plug, Duty cycle 20 %, maximum operating time 10 min. One (1) year warranty for the magnetic system Manufactured in Europe to the highest quality standards.