Part Number: BNH26AY320SC
/Vendor ID Number: 1175201
BRM BNH26AY320SC 2.750" Small Dia. Cup Brush, 320 Grit Silicon Carbide, .250" Shank Dia., .7
by Brush Research Manufacturing
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BRM's BNH26AY320SC small diameter abrasive nylon cup brush features a 2.750" brush diameter in 320 grit silicon carbide. The brush has a ¼” steel shank for quick mounting into a chuck or collet of either an electric or pneumatic die grinder and a .750" brush trim length. A great solution for cleaning, general surface prep and rust removal on a variety of applications. Abrasive nylon is safe, non-reactive and offers an excellent alternative to traditional steel filament brushes. MSFS 8,000.
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A great solution for addressing general surface prep and rust removal
Abrasive nylon is safe, non-reactive and offers an excellent alternative to traditional steel filament brushes
Designed used on high speed portable hand-held power tools to effectively clean and provide proper surface finishing for a variety of applications
Proudly made in the USA
The brush has a ¼” steel shank for quick mounting into a chuck or collet of either an electric or pneumatic die grinder